Sunday, May 17, 2020

Reliability of the Media Essay - 947 Words

Reliability of the Media Growing up in America today means being exposed to numerous half truths. These are readily found on the television, newspapers, radio, and movies. The truth is hardly ever told in its complete form. Take for instance the local news broadcast, we watch it and take it for truth. We tend to give credibility to these newscasters based on the fact that they are representing major broadcast stations. These stations are supposed to be reliable and credible sources of information. In reality the facts are rarely ever told in complete form to the public. Bits and pieces of collected information is dressed up and edited to create a â€Å"news item†. Many times a station has to retract statements due to over-embellishment. The†¦show more content†¦In the movie â€Å"Mississippi Burning† we see a dramatized version of a non-fiction event that occurred in Mississippi in 1964. The event that occurred in June of 1964 was the slaying of three civil rights activists. During the summer of 1964, what is now known as â€Å"Mississippi Freedom Summer†, a group of volunteers went to Mississippi determined to break the back of segregation (Pitts). Three of these volunteers ended up being arrested then released later that day. They were stopped again on a deserted road by the same deputy sheriff who had arrested them earlier, this time accompanied by a party of Ku Klux Klansmen. They were murdered in cold blood, transported to an earthen dam several miles away and buried with a bulldozer (King). The FBI conducted a lengthy investigation that eventually led to the discovery of the bodies. These are the facts that the movie is based on. There is no denial that this event took place in 1964, but how it took place is not depicted accurately in the movie. The movie took place in Jessup County, which is a fictional location. The details on the investigation were greatly exaggerated. The movie director, Alan Parker, even stated in an interview, Im trying to reach an entire generation who knows nothing of that historical event, to cause them to react to it viscerally, emotionally, because of the racism thatsShow MoreRelatedReliability Is The Credibility For An Item874 Words   |  4 PagesReliability is the credibility for an item with explanation from various perspectives to convince one to believe. In the twenty first century, the society has transformed into an information age, which individuals could get access to information through various Medias like internet, magazine and newspaper. Since Medias is open to all individuals, information could be easily changed or added within these Medias, which lowers the reliabil ity of the sources. Therefore, lacking of reliability leads individualsRead MoreThe Effects Of Cognitive Ability On Social Media Use1450 Words   |  6 Pagesthrough print media, through email, and by phone, the entire process being randomized. 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